







the cheesy way out - an entry taken from email

...yesterday I felt it coming on...and this morning it is full blown. I've been able to wage war successfully against the colds and flu that have been hanging in the air, waiting on every surface, and expelled from everyone I know for months; and I was beginning to think I'd done something without really trying to superhumanize my immune system. Not to last, though. And I feel like I'm warehousing a brick in my skull and it's making my brain ooze out of my nose and eyes. And my ears are plugged up with mortar and I can't hear a thing but: a. my heart beating, b. that brick squishing my gray matter a little more each time I swallow, and c. the annoying noise my refrigerator makes, as though amplified via surround sound. I think I've watched Pi one too many times, and am about to get out the power tools. First, I'm going to go make tea and (what else!) watch movies.

Oh! Roman Holiday is on.

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